Spring is Here!

In what, for personal reasons, feels like much, much longer than normal, spring is finally here. There’s a fresh sense of optimism outside, with nature springing (heh) into action with new growth and life everywhere to be seen.
I think May may (heh again) be my favourite month. It’s when you can say for certain winter is behind us, the days are a proper length again, and everywhere looks so much nicer for the greenery and splendor.

British Bluebells, Again

I think, given they’re not around for long, it’s perfectly OK to keep making bluebells the focus of my photography in late April/early May. And if you don’t agree, well, shame on you.

I’d forgotten about this trio of trees in my local woods, but was pleased to rediscover them as an interesting backdrop to the purple carpet in front.

At one point I noticed a couple of muntjac deer in the distance behind me snaffling their way past the coppice next to them.

Bluebells in Britain's Woodlands

Hi there, Blog. How are you? I’m sorry for not writing.

And with apologies to my Blog for not updating it out the way, here’s an update. This week, I have been mostly photographing bluebells. That’s because they tend to only be at their most blue for a couple of weeks before they wither away and disappear for another year. These were all taken in a woodland local to me in Warwickshire. Each year I tend to gravitate to the same areas in the woods, as this is where the light falls as the sun sets, and coincidentally/fortunately the most photogenic spot anyway. I thought I might have got tired of going to the same areas several years in a row, but no, I still love it.

I’ve also decided, in an attempt to update this space more often, I’m probably just going to post photos I like from now on, with less in the way of tags and words and thinking and all the things that put me off posting.

Bluebells in the Warwickshire Woodlands

I’m a bit late posting this, given that bluebell season is now well and truly over, but I thoroughly enjoyed photographing this year’s batch. My local woodlands is a lovely place for walking and photography throughout the year, but for a short window somewhere around April/May it takes on a whole new character. The air is alive with the sounds of bees and insects performing their duties, the spring sun provides beautiful light and shade through the trees, and the carpet of bluebells adds a sprinkle of bright, refreshing colour to the scene, like something out of a fairy tale.

All bluebell photos were taken in woodlands within Warwickshire.

Please visit the rest of my website, www.lukebennettphotos.com for much more content, including further landscape and nature photography from the UK and visit my Print Gallery to buy high quality prints of my UK landscapes.

Also, if you would like me to photograph your wedding or event in Solihull, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire, the Midlands or Beyond, please say hi!

British Bluebells and a Rare British White Bluebell?...

Earlier this week I continued to enjoy the bright spring sunshine by heading to my local woods. I knew the bluebells were out in full effect, having first come across them last year and taking some really nice images then - see my photo gallery for much more landscape and nature photography from the UK.

They manage to make an already beautiful woodlands even more spectacular, to me, almost like something out of a fairy tale, carpeting the grassy floor with so much more colour and variety.

Towards the end of the walk I came across more sheep and lambs in a field next to the woods. I didn't have my long lens with me on this occasion, but I love the character of the old trees in the foreground alongside the intense colour of the bluebells, with the lambs highlighted by the setting sun in the background.

On my way back home as the light was fading fast, I noticed something unusual out of the corner of my eye - a single patch of white bluebells! I'm no horticulturist, but after a bit of googling, I'm fairly certain they're the rare White British Bluebell (as opposed to the more common Spanish variety). In fact, a further google reveals they're as rare as "one in every ten thousand bulbs", so I feel pretty privileged to have spotted some.

If anyone reading this happens to be a bit more savvy with flower species, I'd love to hear from you. Are these the rare White British Bluebell as I suspect they are? (- See last image.)

Please visit my website, www.lukebennettphotos.com for much more content, including further landscape and nature photography from the UK.

Also, if you are from Solihull, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire or the West Midlands and are interested in hiring me as your wedding photographer, please say hi!

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